
In class exercise

Create a symbole of sound:

Ce circles are representing the waves.

Symbol of sound

The treble clef is represented by the sound G which is at the second line from the bottom.


Cause poster

Here the poster of our cause with our final logo.
We have used this final logo on our Facebook page, and on our tee shirt that we have made for our cause.


symbol of philosophy

Wicca is sometimes considered as a religion, sometimes more as a philosophy. It includes
elements which we can find in number of faiths such as the shamanism, the druidism, and the Greco-Roman, Slavic, Celtic mythologies and Scandinavian. It followers, wiccans, laud the cult of the nature, which they call" Ancient Religion ".

In class exercise

Pixel Portraits:

Here 5 pixels portraits of our teachers.
I have used the grid in photoshop.

In class Exercise


To Be Or Not To Be....

Les Symboles de la revolution française

As my teacher allowed me to write my post in french, I will do some short definitions about the symbols of the french revolution in my own language.

La revolution française qui a commencée en 1789 est représentée par plusieurs symboles:

- La fleur de lys qui est l'emblème de la monarchie.

- La marseillaise qui est l'hymne national.

- Le drapeau tricolore - drapeau de la République, composé de trois bandes verticales bleu, blanc, rouge (bleu et rouge représentent les couleurs de la ville de Paris, et le blanc la monarchie:

- Le bonnet Phrygien qui est un bonnet rouge
représentant les esclaves affranchis: